
Showing posts from September, 2013

Can't Stop...Won't Stop

     It's getting that time of year where I acutely feel there is wayyyyy more to do than seemingly time to do it.  This morning I was reminded by an amazing teacher that G-D is often building patience in us when we are in positions where we are carrying what feels like much more than we can bear.  It is during these times of carrying much that we want to stop...we want to put the carried items down...our arms and legs are shaking under the weight (so to speak)...and we're exhausted.  But, these are also the times where we CAN'T STOP! We cannot stop and run away.  HaShem is making us stronger.  Essentially, He's putting us through "cross fit" for our spirit.  When we, by His grace, keep going and refuse to stop, He is building endurance in us.        We must draw on His strength every day because this journey is more than our strength alone can endure. How do we draw on His strength?--start getting into the Word more, set times for prayer, be still and ask H