
Showing posts from November, 2014

Proverbs 31 Prep

     Recently, I was sitting around the table with some lady friends and naturally the topic of conversation turned to men and relationships. I got a little amped because prior to the conversation I had seen a panel of so called "experts" give relationship advice that was so far from the amazing plan that G-D has for us as women.  People were clapping...LOUD at some advice that when compared to the loving will of G-D was absolute trash and foolishness.       Right on time the Holy Spirit reminded me that one message we must reiterate to ourselves, our daughters, our sisters, our moms, and our lady friends is that we are treasures. We, as women, are treasures because G-D created us with a specific purpose. He fashioned us.  Our "treasure-hood" lies in the One who created us...and He is perfect. Our "treasure-hood" is never at the expense of someone else's dignity; nor is it constructed because we are putting someone else down to find it. Our "trea