
Showing posts from October, 2016

The Tyranny of "But, I Can Just Get A Little More Done"

     We have all said it, "But, I can just get a little more done."  We've said it to the neglect of our lunch, restroom break, fitness, family and our faith.  It happens in those times of crisis where we feel stuck between the choice of accomplishing one more task on the never-ending "to do" list or completing a life-time task on the "must be" list.  I am one of those folks with an insatiable appetite for excellence in everything that I do.  I am also one of those that can easily stay fueled on adrenaline and passion; instead of water and a hearty lunch.  This year has been especially challenging with an ever-climbing list of responsibilities and commitments.  I do not think there is a secret "sauce" to getting it all done; but I do think there is a disciplined practice to assessing the true value of things by God's standards and not our own self-critique or others' expectations.      It's simple and we have heard it time and ag