
Showing posts from May, 2011

"Another Day. Another Dollar. Really!?"

   "Another day. Another dollar." is an expression that we use to simply convey the idea that today is much of the same, if not entirely the same, as yesterday and all the days before that.    I wonder if we think this way because some amazing event that is exciting, brand new, and "something to write home about" has not occurred. So often we get into this rut of merely living life as an existence; instead of embracing it as an opportunity.    Each day and each moment Hashem presents us with innumerable opportunities to mend/repair our lives, our families, and our communities by pursuing a life of justice, righteousness, love, and obedience to Him.    Take a look-"But in my mind I keep returning to something; something that gives me hope--that the grace of Adonai is not exhausted; that His compassions have NOT ended. On the contrary His mercies are new every morning. How GREAT is Your faithfulness...therefore I will put my hope in Him." (Lamentations 3

"When Waiting Is Apart of Walking"

   Last night at a friend's Shabbat dinner, my mom and I were completely impressed and amazed by a young couple we had the opportunity to meet. Today, as we were talking my mom (who is only accustomed to crying when something truly moves her) cried and said, "I know that God has an amazing plan and man for you. Don't doubt that!"    So often, we are quick to believe that Hashem has GREAT plans for everyone except us. This is not just with marriage; it's with other things like a great career, better employment/educational opportunities, cars, or whatever it may be. I believe that Satan is a mastermind of trying to put little doubtful thoughts in our minds such as: "Look God forgot about you." or "Do you really think that could happen for you?" or "You're going to fail if you try."    Because of this we MUST be vigilant to remember and encourage ourselves that God has GREAT plans for us when we WALK in His ways (Jer. 31:14-- &quo

Why S.W.A.G.?

S.W.A.G.                              It stands for S ingle W omen A mbitious for G -D.     In today's world we are constantly bombarded with the alluring pulls of sin, temptations, discouragement, and so much more that seeks to draw us away from the Ultimate Lover of our Souls. It is "for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14) that we need women who are and are striving to be ambitious for G-D to help restore the beautiful fragrance of  G-D in ourselves, our families, and our communities.     I am a firm believer that "two are better than one" (Eccl. 5:9). Our strength exponentially grows when we know there are others who are breaking away from the societal norms and instead  walking in the ways of the L-RD ("How blessed is everyone who fears the L-RD; who WALKS in His ways." And when we have those days where we feel like giving up we can be assured that our Heavenly Father is the one who carries us and there are sisters in the L-RD who are walk