"Another Day. Another Dollar. Really!?"

   "Another day. Another dollar." is an expression that we use to simply convey the idea that today is much of the same, if not entirely the same, as yesterday and all the days before that.
   I wonder if we think this way because some amazing event that is exciting, brand new, and "something to write home about" has not occurred. So often we get into this rut of merely living life as an existence; instead of embracing it as an opportunity.
   Each day and each moment Hashem presents us with innumerable opportunities to mend/repair our lives, our families, and our communities by pursuing a life of justice, righteousness, love, and obedience to Him.
   Take a look-"But in my mind I keep returning to something; something that gives me hope--that the grace of Adonai is not exhausted; that His compassions have NOT ended. On the contrary His mercies are new every morning. How GREAT is Your faithfulness...therefore I will put my hope in Him." (Lamentations 3:21-24)
   Daily and moment by moment we must discipline our minds, in fact we must renew our minds (Rom. 12:1& 2) to remember and treasure the fact that each morning the L-RD's mercies are new. Today is NEVER like yesterday. Another day...another dollar? NO! Another day. Another opportunity to matchmake people with the Creator that never fails, Who's mercies are always new, and Who's faithfulness never ends!! Praise you Father for another day!

   And remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (How blessed is everyone who walks in His ways--Psalm 128:1)


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