"When My Best Doesn't Seem Good Enough"

     We live in a society of "bottom lines."  Bottom lines are pursued, prepared for, and presented many times as the sole determining factor of success.  Granted, many of us know that success is not merely determined in "nickels and noses," but at times the temptation to settle for such a shallow definition is at times heavy.  
     As of late, I have had the blessed and frustrating trial of putting forth my level best at something and not achieving the results I am seeking.  This happens in so many arenas of life.  And with this occurrence comes the temptation to stop, to just give up, give in, and stop grinding.  
     With this backdrop the L-RD encouraged me this morning with a familiar story, but now with a new lens.  The book of Esther.  This month all around the world Jews and non-Jews are celebrating a holiday called Purim. It is a festive time that did not begin so happy go lucky; however the story makes a stark turn for the better. (See Book of Esther).  After reading this book over again the L-RD put a new and inspiring message in my heart connected to the chapter of life I find myself living. Esther 9:22 says that the people rejoiced because there, "...had been turned about for them one of sorrow to gladness" and what was expected to happen was TURNED ABOUT. 
     The message: It ain't over! Keep grinding! Keep growing! Setbacks and challenges are indeed the stepping stones by which we climb to the pinnacle of praise! G-D works everything EVERYTHING for the good of those who love Him! So, our best is not just good enough... it is exactly what HaShem wants from us! 


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