Why Does G-D Take So Long To Say "YES?"

     I have often asked this question, "Why does G-D take so long to say 'yes'?" What I mean by this, is why does it seem to take forever and a day for G-D to simply grant the request that we're asking for? Especially when we are praying for something that is in His will!
     Many times, people have given these answers to my question:

"Well, what you're asking must not really be in G-D's will."
"You're asking with the wrong motives."
"It's just that G-D is saying, 'wait a little while."

     While at some level a couple of these may be true, I can't help but think that there is something deeper-- a message that G-D is communicating through His delay. Through spending some time reading and researching about women in the Bible; their struggles, strengths, fears, challenges, and triumphs, I began to notice a unique pattern in the lives of a few of them (most notably: Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Hannah). The pattern was that each of these women were barren for a section of time in their life. Three of which are the matriarchs; the women who birthed the line of the Children of Israel. 
     Repeatedly, we are reminded of the wrestling in prayer these women conducted as they asked and pleaded with G-D to give them children. So why did it take so long for G-D to say "yes?" Obviously, what they were asking was a key ingredient to His plan? So what's the deal? Why were women who were so righteous have to spend so much time praying for something that G-D desired for them? 
     G-D took a long time to grant their prayers because He wanted exactly that-------------their prayers. Prayers are one of the ways that we intimately connect with HaShem.  He so desires for us to draw near to Him through our prayers. So doesn't it make sense why there is such a struggle to pray sometimes and why there are so many distractions when we are praying?---because prayer is a holy time and space where intimacy with HaShem happens. 
     For these women and for us today, HaShem sometimes delays the "yes" so the fervor, passion, and desire in prayer will be stoked even more.  He wants US! Every fiber of our being! And when there are frustrations, challenges, and difficulties these are meant to be catalysts for us to unite our emotions, turn our WHOLE heart, and cry out to G-D! So when G-D delays the "yes" pray more, harder, deeper, and now with a sense of purpose that He desires us!

"The purest cry that is emitted from the constraints of our lives reaches heaven and opens up the channel of all blessings."-Jacobson, 2003.

Remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (Psalm. 128:1 "Blessed is everyone who walks in His ways.") 


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