Courageous Enough to Pray Like This?

     Recently, I had decided to read through the gospels again.  How blessed are we to be able to read the Words of our Messiah Yeshua! The other morning I was struck with an encouragement and exhortation that I cannot ignore.  Currently I am in the book of Luke. 
     The beginning of Luke 18 starts out like this: "He then told them a parable on the need for them to pray always and not become discouraged..."  Wow! I could have just camped right there! So often our Heavenly Father gifts us with a "load" to carry that at times feels too heavy.  Daily we confront situations that grant us the humble realization that we are just human and the battles we must fight are beyond the scope of our aptitude. So what do we do?-We pray.  Too often prayer is a last resort when it should always be our first. 
     Right here in the Scripture that the L-RD graciously preserved for us so that we could be "equipped for every good work" informs us that Yeshua told a parable on the need to pray and not become discouraged.  The very fact that our Savior deemed it necessary to give us encouragement to pray and not lose heart is a sign of the depth of His love that I pray we never miss.  Our Master knew we would enter those times when we have prayed and prayed and prayed some more and it seems like the "needle" is not moving in any direction.  Those times when we pray and pray and heaven seems to be silent; Yeshua takes the time to exhort us and Luke records for us these beautiful words, "He then told them a parable on the need for them to pray always and not become discouraged."  
     May we remember that our Heavenly Father delights in our prayers to Him because in so doing we recognize that without Him we can do nothing.  May we become more encouraged in our prayers to pray consistently and with more passion.  May we see the daily ways in which HaShem is answering our prayers and rejoice in the outworking of His will. May we embrace our need to pray always and not become discouraged.

Remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (Psalm. 128:1 "Blessed is everyone who walks in His ways.")


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