"Follow the Leader"

   As I kid I can remember playing games like: "follow the leader," "Simon Says," or other ones that required us to mimic the leaders' actions.
   I often wonder if, as adults, we still play the game of "follow the leader." And if we do who is it that we are following? What or who do we set before our eyes and thus seek to pattern our lives after?
   In Numbers 13 & 14, G-D gave the Children of Israel a test of what leader (s) they were going to follow. Here it is in a nutshell:

            "When they (the leaders) returned from spying out the land...they proceeded to come to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation...They said, 'We went in to the land where you sent us and it certainly does flow with milk and honey...nevertheless the people who live in the land are strong.' So they gave out a bad report. Then all the congregation said, 'Would it not be better for us to return to Eygpt?'"

   The people followed leaders who essentially said, "It's too difficult to follow G-D and live a life of faith. Yeah, G-D's got some good promises, but living a life of faith and obedience is just too hard." Due to this type of leadership the people adopted a mindset of "G-D can't!"
   Wow! How many times do we follow people, temptations, or challenges that expound the message of "following G-D is just too HARD?" How many times do we follow our own defencencies and weaknesses that claim that the life of faith and obedience is impossible?
   We must be so vigilant as to who and what we follow. Anyone or anything, even our own thoughts, that assert the ridiculous notion that loving and living for G-D is a hopeless endeavor; is in violation of our privilege to a life of peace, wisdom, and love; and therefore a threat to our responsibility and commitment to the One Who loves us more than we could love ourselves!!!
 Let's renew our desire and dilligence in being circumspect about who we allow to step onto the platform of leadership in our hearts and minds.
Remember S.W.A.G.--"it's all about the way you walk" (How blessed is everyone who walks in His ways-Psalm 128:1).


  1. Love this Brandy! I have to keep repeating this to myself every day that I find really challenging or scary....have to remember that there is a larger purpose and that even if I am scared or don't know what is ahead, that all is well. It has to be!

  2. Yes girl! So true! I feel you. :) How are things going for you?


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