
Showing posts from December, 2011

Why Are So Many Great Women Single? Part III

     And so we begin our journey to about 3,000 years ago to find an answer to a question that presents itself to us in the here and now--Why are so many great women single? As I attempt to answer this question from the perspective of the Word of G-D; we will encounter various challenges that we, as single women, must face and conquer. And it is in the beginning of Genesis 24 that our first challenge appears.      Abraham has recently buried Sarah and has graciously been blessed with all things (Genesis 24:1). He calls his most trusted servant and makes him swear that he will not get a wife for his son Issac from the Canaanites.                     1. Set Apart--Even before we meet Rivka the context shows us that she is a woman who is "set apart." She is not like the Canaanite women; these were women who were immersed in a culture of idolatry, consulting the dead, and those who resorted to everything other than the true G-D (Deuteronomy 18). Rivka was different; she was uni