
Showing posts from September, 2012

Why Does G-D Take So Long To Say "YES?"

     I have often asked this question, "Why does G-D take so long to say 'yes'?" What I mean by this, is why does it seem to take forever and a day for G-D to simply grant the request that we're asking for? Especially when we are praying for something that is in His will!      Many times, people have given these answers to my question: "Well, what you're asking must not really be in G-D's will." "You're asking with the wrong motives." "It's just that G-D is saying, 'wait a little while."      While at some level a couple of these may be true, I can't help but think that there is something deeper-- a message that G-D is communicating through His delay. Through spending some time reading and researching about women in the Bible; their struggles, strengths, fears, challenges, and triumphs, I began to notice a unique pattern in the lives of a few of them (most notably: Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Hannah). Th