
Showing posts from July, 2016

Distracted?-Turn Your Face to God

     For the past couple of weeks I have allowed myself to get blindingly distracted.  Usually, my summer months are times of almost effortless refreshment in the presence of God, feasting on His word and allowing His peace to reign in my heart through prayer.  But, this summer has been a wrestling so many ways.  I have had to get more disciplined in listening for and obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit.  I have to deliberately work at removing the things, situations, and people that I allowed to cloud my view of my Heavenly Father.      In the midst of these weeks, I "happened" to be reading Jeremiah 32.  Here's one message that stood out to me, "To Me they turned their back and not their face..." (Jer. 32:33). After a handful of challenging situations I teetered between doubting God's plan and believing His purpose.  The Holy Spirit convicted me with this statement by saying--"Brandy, stop turning your back to Me and instead turn your fac