
Showing posts from July, 2011

"A Toast to Parents--Thank You!"

     When we're young, often, we love our parents because we believe they're perfect.      But the older we get we begin to love them MORE because they are NOT perfect.      It's in this imperfection that we recognize the possibility of achievement despite      weaknesses and the potential for greatness despite challenges. In our parents       we see that great love, provision, and guidance are not reserved only for those      who are perfect; but for those who PURSUE...Those who pursue a calling higher  and greater than they could imagine---raising a family.        Maybe G-D's commandment, concerning honoring and obeying one's parents, promises long life because in our honoring we realize that G-D used our parents to give us life. And if life is the greatest gift then parents are the greatest givers on earth.    Remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (Ps. 128:1-How blessed is everyone who walks in His ways.)

"When Faith Says Go, But Fear Says No"

     It's amazes me how much our confidence and faith in the L-RD grows when we spend time with Him, listen to Him, and seek His face. It's equally intriguing how we can also so quickly see the challenges ahead and focus our attention on them instead of Him.      In Numbers 13, and again in chapter 32, there is an example of this scenario. "They went up...saw the Land and they dissuaded the hearts" (Numbers 32:6). This is the story of the spies who went to look at the Land; the amazing promise of G-D. Ten of them saw the greatness of the gift, but found it difficult to see the ability of the Giver. Nevertheless Joshua and Caleb's (the other two) hearts remained steadfast in HaShem's promise.      How often do we fall into the category of the ten spies? Many times we analyze G-D's ability through the lenses of our incapabilities.           He sees His hand of provision while we stare at the hurdles.           He sees His promise while we steady survey t

"But I've Always Done it This Way"

   How many times have I said that? "I've always done it this way." Too many to count.    About 4 years ago I made a New Year's resolution (and funny enough I've kept it for four years). The resolution was this: Do at least one thing each year that I've never done before.    The reason I say this is because most of us like, no love, tradition. Yes, we can handle a bit of spontaneity, but we really cling to what we've always known.     After reading Matthew 15 earlier this evening I had a thought--"How long will we stay stuck in our comfortable traditions and miss the depth and intimacy of relationship with G-D?"    In Matthew 15, the Pharisees and scribes ask Yeshua why His disciples transgress the traditions of the ancestors. Now, "traditionally" (get it?) many people give the Pharisees a bad wrap. I try not to jump on that band wagon, but that's a different topic for a different time. But, Yeshua seems to get a little irritate