"But I've Always Done it This Way"

   How many times have I said that? "I've always done it this way." Too many to count.
   About 4 years ago I made a New Year's resolution (and funny enough I've kept it for four years). The resolution was this: Do at least one thing each year that I've never done before.
   The reason I say this is because most of us like, no love, tradition. Yes, we can handle a bit of spontaneity, but we really cling to what we've always known.
    After reading Matthew 15 earlier this evening I had a thought--"How long will we stay stuck in our comfortable traditions and miss the depth and intimacy of relationship with G-D?"
   In Matthew 15, the Pharisees and scribes ask Yeshua why His disciples transgress the traditions of the ancestors. Now, "traditionally" (get it?) many people give the Pharisees a bad wrap. I try not to jump on that band wagon, but that's a different topic for a different time. But, Yeshua seems to get a little irritated with the question and He responds with a question. He says, "Why do you transgress the commandment of G-D for the sake of your tradition?" He then goes on to quote Isaiah saying, "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. In vain do they worship me...teaching the precepts of man as doctrine." WOW!
    Honestly, how many times have we put our traditions on par or above the clear guidance and will of G-D? How many times have we disregarded what HaShem has made abundantly clear to us ,in His word, for the comfort of knowing, "I've always done it this way?" Why do we pray to know the will of G-D when we very well know that when He shows us, in His Word, the likelihood of us obeying is slim, because we prefer to be shackled by tradition instead of freed by His instruction?
   Let's challenge ourselves to be transformed by the Word of G-D, renewed by His instructions, and motivated by His Spirit. And yes, this may mean letting go of what we always thought we knew; so that we may embrace what we always really needed and wanted. Baruch HaShem!

Remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (Ps.128:1-How blessed is everyone who walks in His ways.")


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