"When Faith Says Go, But Fear Says No"

     It's amazes me how much our confidence and faith in the L-RD grows when we spend time with Him, listen to Him, and seek His face. It's equally intriguing how we can also so quickly see the challenges ahead and focus our attention on them instead of Him.
     In Numbers 13, and again in chapter 32, there is an example of this scenario. "They went up...saw the Land and they dissuaded the hearts" (Numbers 32:6). This is the story of the spies who went to look at the Land; the amazing promise of G-D. Ten of them saw the greatness of the gift, but found it difficult to see the ability of the Giver. Nevertheless Joshua and Caleb's (the other two) hearts remained steadfast in HaShem's promise.
     How often do we fall into the category of the ten spies? Many times we analyze G-D's ability through the lenses of our incapabilities.
          He sees His hand of provision while we stare at the hurdles.
          He sees His promise while we steady survey the problem.
          He sees His all-conquering strength; while we remain chained to excuses.
     We must discipline our minds to remember that His ways are not ours, and His thoughts are MUCH higher than our own (Isaiah 55:8 & 9). We do not serve a G-D stymied by man's standards. But, the G-D who makes it a habit of performing exceedingly abundantly above what we imagine (Eph. 3:20).
     The lesson: When G-D says go it's time to get moving in His direction because where He takes us we know it will be good {"How great is Your goodness which You have stored up for those who fear You"--Ps. 31:19}

Remember S.W.A.G. "it's all about the way you walk" ("How blessed is everyone who walks in His ways"-Ps. 128:1).


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