
Showing posts from March, 2016

Why Not Me?

     A few Super Bowls ago talented quarterback Russell Wilson challenged stereotypes when he mentioned what his father had asked him as a younger athlete, "Why not you?"  Shortly, after the Super Bowl I used that same question to help empower and motivate my students toward greater academic success.  I expected them to believe me and get fired up on the inside and begin tackling challenges with the goal of winning.  But why does empowerment sound so good and so believable when it is coming out of my mouth to someone else; yet not as believable when it is coming out of my mouth to myself?      I am in the process of submitting my first proposal to do something that I have dreamed of doing for a long time...speaking on what I know and do best--education.  Everything in me kept reminding me of what I lack and what I need to do in order to live my dream.  "Brandy, you need to get your doctorate before you do something like this." "Bra...

People Lie?-You're Kidding Me

     This has been the first year where I truly experienced someone...a grown up...lying directly in my face.  It happened a couple of months ago and the reality of it still baffles me.  I grew up with fairly nice people who tried to do the right things (for the most part); the fact that someone would lie to another colleague without hesitation was/is a professional culture shock that I will not soon forget.      So what did it teach me?  I tend to be a very trusting person; but this situation did teach me that I needed the wisdom of God in every situation and His wisdom is not something that I just pray for; but that I actively seek.  I need Him to order my footsteps and follow the promptings of His Spirit; and this comes when I truly quiet the rumblings around me and those that sometimes exist within me through constant prayer and saturating my heart in the Word. Also, I learned to do what's right...and do it fast.  Don't wait. A...

Do Courage

     This whole year of newness has been exactly that...NEW. It feels like it takes me 30 minutes at least to make a decision and even when I do; oh do I waver back and forth and consider other options; as I constantly question, "did I do the right thing?"      Today, our students were testing and many did not go to the right rooms. Instead of trying to see where the confusion happened, the devil began to throw the flaming darts of accusations like not being as prepared as I should be, not communicating as best as I should have, and not being proactive enough. This is not the first time, nor probably the last, where defeat comes clawing at my confidence. When defeat begins to pound at the door of one area; it's soon that other areas reverberate with its cadence too. My heart was heavy with shame and guilt for something that I had somehow taken on myself.  To me I was and am always "on call" so when something does not go smoothly I tend to ache about i...