People Lie?-You're Kidding Me

     This has been the first year where I truly experienced someone...a grown up...lying directly in my face.  It happened a couple of months ago and the reality of it still baffles me.  I grew up with fairly nice people who tried to do the right things (for the most part); the fact that someone would lie to another colleague without hesitation was/is a professional culture shock that I will not soon forget.
     So what did it teach me?  I tend to be a very trusting person; but this situation did teach me that I needed the wisdom of God in every situation and His wisdom is not something that I just pray for; but that I actively seek.  I need Him to order my footsteps and follow the promptings of His Spirit; and this comes when I truly quiet the rumblings around me and those that sometimes exist within me through constant prayer and saturating my heart in the Word. Also, I learned to do what's right...and do it fast.  Don't wait. And in this particular situation I should not have waited for another to do the right thing when I already knew what it was.  Finally, I learned (or I should say I am learning) the discipline of forgiveness for others and myself.  In a leadership role, the opportunities for forgiveness will come frequently (of this I am sure). But, disciplining myself to say "Please forgive me", to forgive others consistently (even without being solicited), and reminding myself that I am forgiven is a task that will form the foundation of how I lead. May the Lord truly light our path in leadership; even when people lie may that never diminish our recognition of His truth, kindness, and faithfulness.


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