
Showing posts from November, 2011

Why Are So Many Great Women Single? Part 2

     Why are so many great women single? When I ask this question concerning my acquaintances, friends, family members, and myself I have to scratch my head a bit. How is it that there are women who are intellectual, accomplished, ambitious, attractive, well-mannered, and yet single?       In this Ms. Independent generation that praises career and material accomplishment, it seems that women of this type of pedigree would be the first to be woo-ed and won by the man of their dreams.      I believe the only method for answering such a question is to begin with the source--the Word of God. This is the bedrock that should form our faith, mold our perspective, and maintain our trust. Thus, it is to God's written Word that I turn to for answers.      With that said, we will start and end in Genesis 24. Why?--because Genesis 24 is the longest chapter in the whole Bible centered on a matchmaker, man, and woman. Second, in this saga we get a full picture of the journey from singleness t

Why Are So Many Great Women Single? Part 1

     It's the holiday season. Which means lots of great food, football, and the greatest gift--family. But, as we (talking to us single ladies here) all know with family gatherings also comes that age old question, "So have you found a man yet?" Ahhhh! If you haven't heard this well-intentioned question yet; just will.      Many, if not all, of us have been asked at some time and in some fashion, "Awww you're so amazing why hasn't some man swept you off your feet yet?" Well, the funny thing is that many of us are also asking the same question.      I am in a career field with hard-working, intelligent, resourceful, beautiful, and hands down AMAZING women; many of which are single. What I can't seem to figure out is...why.      After countless discussions and vented frustrations, the single (not meant as a pun) most important question boils down to, "Why are so many great women single?"       Possibly the best way to attem

"The Woman Who Doesn't Look Back"

   Our culture thrives on making us, especially women "second guess" ourselves. We "second guess" our upbringing, our choice of career, our looks, and so much more. We look back and often think, "Oh maybe I should have...?"     This past week, as I was reading Genesis 19, I was hit with this thought--do not be a woman who looks back. Here's the story from the Word-- the L-RD is destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. G-D's protecting angels told Lot to hurry and get out of the place and do not look back. As the divine annihilation is happening, "Lot's wife looked back and she turned into a pillar of salt." She looked back to a place that G-D had taken her out of. She forfeited her opportunity to completely fulfill the potential G-D had given her because she "looked back." Looking back inhibits our ability to freely live in the protective shadow of the Almighty.      How often have we been obedient to G-D in leaving a place that was