Why Are So Many Great Women Single? Part 2

     Why are so many great women single? When I ask this question concerning my acquaintances, friends, family members, and myself I have to scratch my head a bit. How is it that there are women who are intellectual, accomplished, ambitious, attractive, well-mannered, and yet single? 
     In this Ms. Independent generation that praises career and material accomplishment, it seems that women of this type of pedigree would be the first to be woo-ed and won by the man of their dreams.
     I believe the only method for answering such a question is to begin with the source--the Word of God. This is the bedrock that should form our faith, mold our perspective, and maintain our trust. Thus, it is to God's written Word that I turn to for answers.
     With that said, we will start and end in Genesis 24. Why?--because Genesis 24 is the longest chapter in the whole Bible centered on a matchmaker, man, and woman. Second, in this saga we get a full picture of the journey from singleness to marriage through the eyes of the matchmaker. Further, and possibly most importantly, Genesis 24 moves our hearts to once again believe that our Heavenly Father has and is writing a love story for us. 


  1. Strictly speaking, personaly I've always viewed Song of Solomon as the longest portion in the bible that centered around the relationship between a man and a woman, but Genesis chpt. 1-3 and Ephesians 5 as more informative. There are some good principles in Gen. 24 though.
    Let me offer a Male point of view on some things, what do you mean by "accomplished"? The vast majority (I'm speaking in General) of men have a desire/instinct to take care/provide for their own and be finacialy secure for a future family. If "accomplished" means a woman is doing what she is passionate about in her work, then yea thats an attraction. But if "accomplished" means lets say for example Joe wants Jane because shes a lawyer that makes $100k a year and drives a Beemer vs. Jill who in Joes eyes is a lowly sales rep at $25k and drives a Chevy Malibu. Most guys don't do that (I have seen that from some weman though) and the Men who do, are not the type of Man "career Minded" weman or any woman for that matter would want to be with anyways, there usually lazy and self centered. The Woman career is usually not even in the equation of the Man seeking a woman to be his "Help Mate". Big Picture God created Man/Woman for his glory and created Eve for Adam not Adam for Eve. That flys in the face of the "Ms. Independant" worldview which is a myth, no one is truly independant in this life Man or Woman. Most "Career Minded Ms Independant" Weman dont view or even seek a relationship to be the "Helper" (Genesis 2:18) TO!!! the Man, but view and seek a relationship thats more like a buisness partnership WITH!!! the Man. Marriage by nature is a disruption to the Womans life, it is a change of plans, priorities etc... Ms independant thinking women have a harder time letting a man be a disruption to their lives. Combined with in many cases silly "Shopping lists" Then like I said they end up Locking themselves out from the Love, Passion, Romance, Initiative and Leadership etc... they desire from a Man. When it comes to relationships Most men don't necessarily view "Ms. Independant Women" as the Cream of the Crop, though society tells them otherwise.

  2. Charles thank you for your post. However, you still have yet to define your term of "biblical man/woman" from the Word of HaShem as I requested in my last reply. Thank you in advance for your definitive reply. Genesis 24 sets the precedent for all subsequent Biblical portions on the male/female relationship; and unfortunately is rarely addressed. The Torah is HaShem's life manual. It is from His mouth that we glean wisdom and it is by His light that we see light; especially in an area as debated as relationships. I'm not too sure as to why you placed so many situatons in your last posts (ex. Jane, Jill, and Joe); as the purpose of this "mini-series" is to explore what the Ultimate Life Manual presents in this arena. Further, your comment about most men not viewing the "independent woman" as the cream of the crop is situational, not a snapshot of the whole. In addition, the audience I am speaking of has lived a reality that proves differently from your statement. Next, once again this piece's purpose is to gaze into the example of what HaShem has given us and attempt to align our lives in closer congruence to His will. And part of that journey is asking this intriguing question. Lastly, well two more things...First, one should read the Hebrew when reading the Geneis account of the creation of man and woman. HaShem separated them and it will only be Him who puts them back together. This is why the search for the "beshert" is so insatiable...so consuming. We desire unity and oneness in everything we do, but especially in this realm. Second, you wrote about the Shir HaSharim, Song of Songs. This is a beautiful book that when explored in its depths can and will renew so much brokeness. Nevertheless, as I said before, Genesis 24 sets the precendents for the future portions on the male/female companionship. Song of Songs is no stranger to the unique and beautiful event of Eliezar, Issac, and Rivka. In Shir HaSharim Chapter 4, the man speaks of this woman as, "a garden spring...a well of fresh water." Do you believe it was coincidence that Eliezar found Rivka for Issac by a well? Other times in the Tanack the wife is metaphorically called a "well" or a "cistern" (eg. Proverbs 5). I believe the Hebrew word for "well" is "sheva." I will take another look to make sure. Every piece of Genesis 24 is loaded with wisdom for our age, particulary in a generation that calls women to be everything, but what HaShem gave them the privilege of being and becoming. The femininity that HaShem graciously gives us a glimpse of in Genesis 24 is unlike what most preachers preach or what most feminists proclaim. Godly femininity is one that is rooted in lovingkindness and truth yet girded with a strength and determination that remains mysterious; and therefore alluring. So once again I encourage you to allow the Scripture in its context to be your guide. Please continue to read on as it will definitely be worth it and keep the comments coming.
    Brandy G


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