"The Woman Who Doesn't Look Back"

   Our culture thrives on making us, especially women "second guess" ourselves. We "second guess" our upbringing, our choice of career, our looks, and so much more. We look back and often think, "Oh maybe I should have...?" 
   This past week, as I was reading Genesis 19, I was hit with this thought--do not be a woman who looks back. Here's the story from the Word-- the L-RD is destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. G-D's protecting angels told Lot to hurry and get out of the place and do not look back. As the divine annihilation is happening, "Lot's wife looked back and she turned into a pillar of salt." She looked back to a place that G-D had taken her out of. She forfeited her opportunity to completely fulfill the potential G-D had given her because she "looked back." Looking back inhibits our ability to freely live in the protective shadow of the Almighty.
     How often have we been obedient to G-D in leaving a place that was not benenficial to our spiritual life? It was a place that tainted our thoughts, disturbed our peace, and dulled our sensitivity to blessings. This could have been a city (as it was with Lot's wife), a relationship, a place of work, or even a state of mind. And so we leave because G-D called us out, but then...we look back. How do we so quickly forget how the bondage of past places, relationships, and thought processes fettered our faith and dimmed our hope?
     Let's strive NOT to be women who look back! We can be sure that our Heavenly Father will always lead us in His ways to walk in His truth. And when He calls us out of one place and into another we must follow with full obedience; not looking back. We cannot afford to miss our opportunities to live up to our G-D given and ordained potential. No looking back.

Remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (Ps. 128:1 "Blessed is everyone who walks in His ways.")


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