Soulmates and Prayer

     No worthwhile endeavor has ever truly been successfully accomplished without prayer.  How much more does this hold true when it comes to searching for and finding our beshert (soulmate)?  In an ever increasing flood of disappointment, disillusionment, discouragement, and difficulty when it comes to relationships our resolve to pray more fervently for the men G-D has chosen for us is more important than ever. 
     This past week I was reading Exodus 25-27:19 and within it found a prayer of my heart for the man of my dreams.  It comes from the section dealing with the ark of the covenant.  And how fitting, since marriage is indeed a covenant?  In the beginning part of Exodus 25 the details about the ark are clearly outlined and it was here that I found words to embody what my heart wanted to pray.  Here is my prayer for all of us as we diligently walk in our Father's ways and seek His will when it comes to the men in our lives:

               Blessed are You O L-RD who has sustained us and brought us to this season of longing for the man from which we were separated so that we might long for each other.  May it be Your will Father that you bring us to the man you have lovingly designated for us. And much like the ark of Your covenant, may he be a man of strength like the acacia from which Your ark was constructed.  May he be a man of purity, with a mind devoted to purity of thought, and hands singled out for purity of purpose much like the gold that overlaid all aspects of Your ark.  May he be a man in whose heart Your Word has found a resting place much like the tablets of the covenant that lay inside the heart of the ark.  May he be a man that dwells under the shadow and security of Your wings much like the ark's cover underneath the cherubim. May he be a man who is covered in Your mercy as he meets with you each day. And may he be a man who is stirred within his heart to bring the best to You as he becomes the best for us. May each prayer we pray solidify our commitment to be only for each other.  And may each prayer we pray bring us closer to the day when our prayers and dreams become reality.  

Remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (Psalm. 128:1 "Blessed is everyone who walks in His ways.")


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