Getting Focused

     An advisor once told me, "If you focus on everything then you're focused on nothing." Over the past year and half I have thought about that statement...a lot. 
     Many times it is easy for us to get caught up in so many dreams of how to make things better.  In and of themselves those dreams are not bad, but they can become problematic if we lose our focus on the G-D who created and empowers us to fulfill a purpose that He lovingly made for us. 
    The L-RD is working His plan via all the people, circumstances, struggles, and triumphs that He intentionally places in our lives in order to instigate transformation. Yet, all too often we lose focus when we zone in on all the things around us to such the degree that we analyze them as individual events; rather than significant strands of a unified cord called----purpose. 
     There is nothing random that happens in life; every spec of our existence is uniquely crafted by the G-D who is good and does good...even if and when it does not feel like it.  The test for us comes in actively seeking out G-D's hand in everything.  This year, what if we made it a habit to constantly ask, "L-RD why is such and such happening? What are you trying to show me?" and actually listened. 
     May this be the year that we discipline ourselves to "take every thought captive" in order to become more focused on the G-D who is indeed...our everything. 

Remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (Psalm. 128:1 "Blessed is everyone who walks in His ways.")


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