That "Righteous Fox"

     In our society, we as women, juggle so many balls.  Many of us are daughters, wives, mothers, sisters, friends, advisers, mentors, leaders, comedians, social workers, advocates, pet owners, professionals, business owners, home chefs, caretakers, and much more--ALL AT THE SAME TIME.  We engage with our families and communities on multiple fronts.  
     This week, as I was grappling with how I would establish myself in the different facets of my life I "happened" upon a portion of the Word that spoke so loud and clear to my heart.  It brought tears to my eyes, because I knew that the L-RD had heard the silent cry of my spirit. I knew that He had specifically given me a word by which to define my entire new year.  Here's a snippet of what He said, "Establish yourself through righteousness..." (Isaiah 54:14)  Seems simple; yet so impactful. 
     I believe that many times we, as women, are tempted to establish ourselves through various means such as: relationships, solid education, hard work, appearance, desire, good finances, passion, charisma, vision, even gossip, and a host of other ways. This verse speaks directly to us by telling us what is essential in establishing ourselves as women who bring all of who we are wherever we go. And what is essential to establishing ourselves?--- righteousness.  
     G-D says, "Establish yourself my daughter, in whatever capacity you serve, through righteousness."  It is through righteousness that we are able to be solidified in all our callings.  So whatever space we find ourselves in, we must be righteous because this is the vehicle through which the entirety of our identity, talents and gifts are exemplified. 

Remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (Psalm. 128:1 "Blessed is everyone who walks in His ways.")


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