When What is "New" Is Scary

     In only a few hours I begin a new chapter in my life.  I am excited for the opportunity, honored to have been chosen by G-D, and so humbled to be in this position for "such a time as this."  Yet, as I got closer to turning "this page" my heart and mind got cluttered with fear.  The "what ifs" began to pile up and the fears transformed into frustrations.  This morning I emptied my heart before the L-RD. Here's the Word He so graciously gave me (Man, we serve a G-D that loves us so. May we know the depths of it).

     The book of Deuteronomy speaks about how HaShem readied the Children of Israel to go into the Promised Land and "take possession" of the Land.  He tells them "not to fear."  He promises to go before them.  Further, Moses reminds them of all the times He has been faithful throughout their wilderness journey.  As I went back and meditated on chapters 1-12, the Holy Spirit refreshed and strengthened my heart for this new beginning. Granted, the context is speaking about the physical land of Israel for the nation; but I could not help but embrace the fact that the same G-D who brought His children out of Egypt, through the Wilderness, and into the land of promise is the same G-D who has and will show His faithfulness to me in this new chapter of my journey! I had to grab hold of the admonition to "not fear…because it is my Father who goes before me" and I had to embrace that it is my duty to "take possession" by walking in His clarifying wisdom every day.  

     While in the journey, Deuteronomy 12:28 reminds us, "…you do what is good and right in the eyes of HaShem your G-D."  Isn't that the purpose of new beginnings to trust in G-D's faithfulness by intentionally remembering what He has done and to know that we must do what is good and right in the eyes of our audience of One?  So here it is, another new beginning.  May this year be one of seeing the miracles of G-D, of being courageous enough to be a blessing, and of continuously doing what is "good and right" in His eyes as a woman after His heart. 

Remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (Psalm. 128:1 "Blessed is everyone who walks in His ways.")


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