Prayers of a Single Woman 1

     In this series of posts there will be prayers from the Word that can be applied to our lives as single women who have the goal of preparing for the man God will lovingly provide.   I am continuously intrigued by the "Eshet Chayil" as many would call "The Proverbs 31 Woman."  Verse 12 states, "She bestows goodness upon him, never evil, all the days of her life." 

    Part of this passage is about preparation being more than just a "waiting room" before Mr. Right Fit comes.  Preparation is active participation in growing into all the woman God intends us to be! Prayer is the means by which God sovereignly chooses to execute His plans.  Essentially, prayer is a strong part in actively participating in God bringing this aspect of our life to fruition. 

     This first prayer is from a portion I have been studying recently. Numbers 27:15-18. The context is a change in leadership and Moses is praying for the right man for the job. 
          "May HaShem, the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the assembly, who shall go out before them and come in before them..."  Then God replies, 'Take to yourself Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom there is such a spirit...'"  

     Are we praying for the type of spirit we need and desire in our future spouse?  Honestly, for a long time I thought about many of the physical manifestations I wanted in my husband; but not about the type of spirit he would have.  According to this passage, it would be this man's spirit that would most influence his behavior as a leader.  

A prayer: "Father, You are faithful.  Your kindness to me is immeasurable.  Thank You! May my mouth never cease to lift You up! You are the God of all spirits. Your Word says that all hearts are in your hand (Prov.21:1). You are the God of the spirits of all mankind. Father, I ask that You would bring the man you have appointed for me.  A man who has a spirit of_____________.  May You continue to unveil my eyes so that I can see Your truth and the ways in which You are making Your love more evident to me. May my heart never swerve from Your commands."


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