Listening to His Leading

     This week was filled with challenges to overcome...and the biggest challenge was quieting the busyness around me enough to hear Him.  Too often I get caught in the pace of my career and I let the immense speed of it climb into my soul. Whenever this happens my ears and my heart become dull in listening for and hearing His voice.
     This week the Lord laid it on my heart to slow myself down.  The pace of the work may not change; but by His grace I can change my speed...and I did.  Here's how: I prayed and I prayed out loud.  Instead of allowing the silent anxious thoughts to race and re-race in my mind I prayed...out loud.  In my office I prayed out loud for wisdom on decisions that I had no idea how to handle.  While baking, I prayed out loud for the courage to say what needed to be said.  On the way to a meeting while walking outside I prayed...out loud for the ability not to succumb to the defeat that relentlessly called me.  It seemed that the very courts of heaven heard and walked with me into every space I entered.  An unbelievable and undeniable courage from the very throne-room filled my heart and allowed my spirit to enter into a peaceful wholeness.  And once again I was able to hear the gentle promptings of His Spirit.  May we always replace the cares that so easily weigh us down with a heart of prayer and a mouth that speaks those prayers aloud.


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