What Do I Do When He Doesn't Like Me?

     How many conversations have we had with our lady friends asking that same question, "Girl, how do I know if he likes me?" As soon as the question comes out, we begin to dissect his actions, looks, second or third glances, the way he hugged us, the ambiguous and random texts, what we thought we heard him say, the way he spoke about us, and the list truly goes on and on.  We analyze, diagnose, and try desperately to catch a glimpse into his heart about us.  Then after the conversation, we internally grapple with the question.  And when we see him again we look for more clues to add to our quest for an answer.  Perhaps I am one of few women who have lived and re-lived this process...but I doubt it.
     After some reflection, much prayer, and honestly frustration, God is working me through a process that addresses "how do I deal when I find the man, I thought was His choice, does not like me?"
     Currently, part of my response process is re-discovering who I am in the Lord.  It is this process that is re-directing my heart away from looking to a man to re-assure my secret doubts; and instead press into the One who is the ultimate truth giver.  It is the "truth that sets us free" right?-Absolutely!
     The Lord is truly taking me back to square one.  And square one is "For we are His workmanship..." (Eph. 2:10a).  I am His workmanship.  Seems simple; but oh so profound.  We are HIS workmanship.  Our whole purpose is to magnify God's worth in our womanhood, walk, and worship and in so doing we begin to uncover our true worth.  Before, I found myself after every "failed" relationship sensing a more stinging lie of "not being good enough."  The inadequacy screamed louder and instead of looking to the One who created me; I went into unhealthy introspection mode. But, this time it is different.  By the grace of God it is different.  I am pressing into the Lord's purpose for me.  In this process, the pain is diminishing and the light of becoming a woman who is locked into being His workmanship in every way is shining brighter and brighter.  The man God has lovingly ordained for me will find a woman not weakened by deferred hope; but strengthened in clarity of worth in being His workmanship.


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