"You Intimidate Men"

     If I could have a dollar for every time I have heard this statement or a version of it I would make a substantial amount of money.  Today, I was sitting in a large group of men and we were dialoging about some critical subjects in the world of education.  We got to one particular portion where I got visually adamant, passionate, and demonstrative.  During the break a tinge of guilt and shame hit me.  The guilt reminded me of a past experience when a man I admired made a comment about how my passion would be a source of intimidation for men.  He said, "Wait, hold on now. You cannot come with all that. You're gonna scare a brother off. You have to tone that down because he's not going to be ready for all of that."  My heart sank.
     Today, that thought came back up, "Brandy maybe you should tone it down? Maybe you should just be quiet more and not so passionate?  What if you scare them?  Why did you have to say all that like that?"  Honestly, I had to quickly put those thoughts to death by the grace of God and take every thought captive.  Proverbs 31, the quintessential passage centered on the woman of strength & valor, reads that this woman "...opens her mouth in wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."  This woman does not tone it down because someone might be intimidated.  In fact, all throughout the Proverbs we read that wisdom (personified as a woman) makes her voice heard and known.  Yes, she speaks in wisdom and kindness; not gossip and cruelty.  But, take note that she does not tone it down in fear of "intimidating a man" or scaring someone off.
     The Holy Spirit had to remind me of that in the most practical of ways; when the voice of doubt and self-critique attempted to sneak in to steal my joy and my passion.  May the Lord always give us the courage as women to speak passionately about Him and the work He has graciously allowed us to serve as a vessel for Him.  So speak on sister!  Speak on!


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