When Our Past Looks Better Than the Promise

     This week I have been studying the book of Exodus. This study has refreshed my heart and reinvigorated my passion for seeing God work in ways that have His signature all on them. In Exodus 14, the Children of Israel had just been released from the grip of slavery and were just tasting their new freedom accomplished by God's "outstretched arm". Only a little into their new life free from the chains of Pharoah's whims, they face a trial begging them to enter the slavery of fear again. They see that all of Pharoah's army was coming after them and the Scripture says, "...they were very frightened..." In this crisis of faith, they believed that the "ease" of past slavery was better than the beauty of the promise. And they say it, "...it is better for us to serve Egypt that that we should die in the Wilderness..." The Wilderness was part of their journey to realizing the promise that God made generations before. But, it that moment the past looked better than the promise.

     As I meditated on this portion, I considered how often I do the same. Walking in faithful obedience to God's promise requires us to nourish ourselves on His past demonstrations of faithfulness. Had the Children of Israel forgotten about the plagues of locusts, frogs, darkness, and especially the death of the firstborn where God Himself preserved them and demonstrated his sanctifying love? Too often my fears choke my faith; instead of inspiring more of it. In our new journeys, may we rehearse His faithful love where our fears inspire more faith so the beauty of His promises will eclipse the "ease" of our past.


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