God, I Just Need A Sign Before I Do This...

     As the new year begins, many of us wonder about what God is calling us to do for His kingdom.  Maybe it's publishing a book. Or launching a business. Or adding a new element to an existing one. Maybe it's starting a Bible study or prayer group where there hasn't been one. Or fully committing to a ministry. Maybe it's working harder by the grace of God to cultivate stronger character in wisdom and kindness. Maybe it's pursuing a new role in your career. Perhaps it's finally pursuing a new relationship or cultivating an existing one. Perhaps it's deciding about a graduate program. Or buying a house. You name it.
     It's usually during these times that we beg God for a sign. A sign that will come BEFORE we put ourselves out there. A sign reassuring us we are going in the right direction. A sign verifying that God has indeed called us to the task.
     There are times when God shows a miraculous "sign" before we put ourselves out there; giving us clear indication of His calling. He did for Gideon (see Judges 6 & 7) and many others.
      Yet, there are other times when He does not give a "sign" verifying He has called us to a task; and we must simply walk with our ear attentive to His leading. An example of this is Moses.
     For the man who was eventually going to be the instrument carrying out arguably the biggest event in Israel's history, check out how God called him to the task.
     "God says, 'This is the sign I am sending you. When you take the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain'"(Ex. 3:12).
     Wait! What! A sign that would come AFTER everything was said and done. Clearly, God has misunderstood what it means to have a sign. A sign is supposed to come BEFORE. Right? Apparently not all the time. All (and yet everything) Moses had to verify that God had indeed called him to this task was His Word that he was the one and the promise of His presence. The "sign"?--well that would come afterwards.
     There are times when we get in freeze mode searching relentlessly for a "sign" from God before we take a step of faith. Yet, we must be willing to walk in faith recognizing there will be times when the only sign we have BEFORE we move is the Word of God verified by the indwelling of His Spirit. Further, we must be willing to accept there are times when the "sign" to carry out the task may come after the struggle it took to do it.
     May this new year be a chapter of renewed reliance on God's Word and the Holy Spirit that lives in us especially as we walk in faith in all He calls us to do for His kingdom! Happy New Year!

Stay Empowered. Stay Encouraged.


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