So Where Do We Go From Here?

     Today began a new school year for so many people (and it's getting close for those who have yet to start).  It is exciting and thrilling to begin again! At the same time, this year even in the midst of my excitement, I found myself getting apprehensive and anxious.  Questions about how to connect all the amazing and motivating things I learned this past summer to what I do in my work pervades my thoughts.  So I ask, "when we come to a new chapter, how do we take what we've learned and use that learning to infuse the right now?"  
     First, we must consistently place what we've learned before our face.  Think on it.  Meditate on the miracles G-D has done in our lives.  How he has lovingly brought us to where we are today and where we will go by His grace. 
      Second, intentionally use those times of "stuttering" in faith as fulcrums for transformation.  Yes, believe it or not, those times when our faith is not as strong are also lessons where HaShem is teaching us and moving us to use them as agents of change for the better. 
     Third, pray pray PRAY to know how to apply the L-RD's wisdom in all situations.  
     Lastly, know beyond a shadow of a doubt that HaShem is with us every step and that He loves us.  We must look for Him in the everyday happenings of life.  
     May the L-RD give us a fulfilling year in every way. May our blessings be more than we can count. And may we see that for which we dream come to fruition in better and deeper ways than we imagined. 


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