Why Should I Keep My Head Up?

     Lately it seems like so many people I know have been going through some serious challenges.  Challenges with health, family illness, job security, workplace concerns, financial duress, family members passing away, disappointments, and more.  And it does not help when we live in a world that constantly threatens our faith, scorns the G-D we serve, and yet makes ample room for leaders who mishandle our trust. All of these are times in which we toggle between strong faith that G-D has a purpose and then swing back into the notion of complacency asking why even bother trying to live obediently.  
     We live in a world when at times, we even question ourselves as to why we should follow that old adage of, "Keep your head up!"
     This week as I was struggling, asking G-D, "What difference does it make to try and do the right thing; when it always seems that the wrong side is winning?"  This is the verse that I "happened" upon as the L-RD once again so ever gently graciously allowed me to hear His voice. "How beautiful ascending the mountains are the footsteps of the herald saying to Zion, "YOUR G-D HAS REIGNED!" (Isaiah 52:7).  
     This is so pivotal because sometimes in this world it is so hard to find the hand of G-D; especially when we are so anxious for Him to show His power against all the injustices, wrong, and painful trials that we go through in this time.  And yet, Isaiah, the prophet, in the midst of all the challenges that were occurring during his time at a personal and national level he reminds the people that "Look up because your G-D reigns!"  I think the encouragement is similar for us today, "Look up. Lift your head up and keep it up, because your G-D REIGNS."  No, those trials don't reign. No those people who are seeking to do you harm don't reign. No, the wickedness and injustice in this world does not reign. No, the Devil, the enemy of your soul and the accuser of your position as G-D's child does not reign! Your G-D REIGNS! Period. Case closed! So now, look for His hand, walk each day conscientiously knowing that He is so intimately involved in everything we face, and cling to the fact that your G-D REIGNS! Keep your head up! 

Remember S.W.A.G. "It's all about the way you walk." (Psalm. 128:1 "Blessed is everyone who walks in His ways.")


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