"Because They Couldn't; I Will"

     Over this past school break I had the opportunity to read more than usual.  So I read a biography about a man who was a slave and how he eventually ran away to freedom in Canada.  Interestingly, I was more than intrigued by his story...I was humbled and empowered. 
     As I read about Bibb's struggle to try to work in and change a system that was unjust to the core I saw his incredible courage being forged in the crucible of Southern slavery.  As I read about his fearless resolve to keep his family intact "or die trying" I felt his deep determination, love, and hope. As I read I cried. I cried because these are the shoulders that our Black American community stands on today and I ask, "To what degree have we honored their resolve?"
     In the biography, Bibb explained the cost of a slave learning to read and write. So I asked, how diligently am I working in my education? So I decided, because my ancestors who graced American soil with much strength, resolve, hope, and purpose couldn't...I will.
     Bibb explained how many times he and others were forbidden to have full exposure to the entirety of the Word of G-D. I asked myself, how often am I taking full advantage of being able to access, read, and apply the whole of G-D's Word?  So I decided, because Bibb and many others couldn't...I will. 
     Bibb recalled how he resolved to keep his family healthy and together by all means necessary. He recounts seeing his mother's face when his brothers were sold off and the inexplicable pain of so many other women who would never again see their children. To be honest, this one hurt at a different level as we see generations of families plagued by separation. Oh, if we could cultivate the level of resolve Bibb had to keep his family together our world would be so different! So I asked, in what ways am I preparing myself to be sure that my family now and my expanded family in the future is kept healthy and together? So I decided, because Bibb and many others couldn't...I will.
     Finally, Bibb remembered how his mother's body was used and seen for nothing more than a passing pleasure.  He grieved at his plight and was angered by a system that could so callously use women in such a way.  This one burdened my heart the most because we live in such a society that continues to use women as mere pleasure pieces to be easily discarded and replaced.  So I asked, in what ways am I accepting cultural norms that deconstruct women's dignity and honor that G-D uniquely gave to us at Creation? So I decided, because Bibb's mother and many others could not always protect their bodies from such callous use...I will. 
     After reading such a work, I am now more motivated than ever to amplify the faith, hope, determination, and love of those who came before me as a catalyst of transformation in my everyday life.  I believe each generation has the ability and blessing to honor its past by choosing a course that generations before will be proud of.  
     It's time. Because they couldn't...I will. 
"My people hear my instruction...we must tell a future generation the praises of the L-RD..." (Psalm 78:1 & 4)


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