
Showing posts from July, 2015

Believe God Even In This?

     Most of us know what it is like.  We live the experience of believing ("aman" is one way to say this in the Hebrew; it means to become firm) in God with some areas of our life; but not all of them.  Why are we like this? How can we see God's magnificent and faithful hand in one aspect of our life and then be weighed down with disbelief in another?  Sometimes, it is because we may think God does not care, perhaps we have experienced much pain in that particular area, and the list of reasons why could go on. But what if our hearts refused to allow the seeds of doubt to take root in our perspective and in our prayers?  What would have to change? How could we begin the process of diluting the poison of disbelieving God in those most challenging areas of our life? In Deuteronomy 1, Moses begins to recount the Israelites' wilderness journey. It is a new generation he is speaking to about what happened along the way. One of the first things Moses discusses is disbe

Prayers of a Single Woman 2

      Lately, I have added a new way to study the Word each day.  I daily journal what the Lord is teaching me by categories.  The categories are: Questions, Woman, Dating, Wife, Mama, and Leader. Each time I read the Word or the Holy Spirit brings something to my heart in any of these aspects I write it down.  This has totally revolutionized and revived my daily quiet time with the Lord because it provides a practical lens through which to seek God's face.  Isn't that what the Word is for--to be applied to the day to day things? "Whatever you do; do ALL to the glory of God..."      I have been studying Numbers 25.  The context is so real. Some of the sons of Israel, leaders, went for the wrong type of women and started totally and brazenly disobeying God. People were distraught, but there was one man who "saw and rose up from among the midst..." Check it out: "When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest SAW it, he AROSE from th

Prayers of a Single Woman 1

     In this series of posts there will be prayers from the Word that can be applied to our lives as single women who have the goal of preparing for the man God will lovingly provide.   I am continuously intrigued by the "Eshet Chayil" as many would call "The Proverbs 31 Woman."  Verse 12 states, "She bestows goodness upon him, never evil, all the days of her life."      Part of this passage is about preparation being more than just a "waiting room" before Mr. Right Fit comes.  Preparation is active participation in growing into all the woman God intends us to be! Prayer is the means by which God sovereignly chooses to execute His plans.  Essentially, prayer is a strong part in actively participating in God bringing this aspect of our life to fruition.       This first prayer is from a portion I have been studying recently. Numbers 27:15-18. The context is a change in leadership and Moses is praying for the right man for the job.           

"Strengthening What is Strong?"

    For many of us we invest our time working on our "places of growth."  And we should.  Yet, how often do we consider strengthening those places where we are experiencing strength and success?     As I begin to make a new transition I am often asked, "What strengths do you bring to the table?" I answer the question and almost immediately the Devil and that inner critic come in seeking to disrupt the clarity and confidence that God has given me.  I refuse! God has given us too much! He has strengthened us in many areas and we must actively participate in "strengthening what is strong."     Check it out: "Finally brothers we ask & encourage you in the Lord Yeshua, that as you have received from us how you must walk and please God--as you are doing--DO SO EVEN MORE" (I Thessalonians 4:1).  In fact later on in the chapter Paul writes that the congregation is doing something well and to "DO SO EVEN MORE."      This was so empower