Believe God Even In This?
Most of us know what it is like. We live the experience of believing ("aman" is one way to say this in the Hebrew; it means to become firm) in God with some areas of our life; but not all of them. Why are we like this? How can we see God's magnificent and faithful hand in one aspect of our life and then be weighed down with disbelief in another? Sometimes, it is because we may think God does not care, perhaps we have experienced much pain in that particular area, and the list of reasons why could go on. But what if our hearts refused to allow the seeds of doubt to take root in our perspective and in our prayers? What would have to change? How could we begin the process of diluting the poison of disbelieving God in those most challenging areas of our life? In Deuteronomy 1, Moses begins to recount the Israelites' wilderness journey. It is a new generation he is speaking to about what happened along the way. One of the first things Moses di...