Prayers of a Single Woman 2

      Lately, I have added a new way to study the Word each day.  I daily journal what the Lord is teaching me by categories.  The categories are: Questions, Woman, Dating, Wife, Mama, and Leader. Each time I read the Word or the Holy Spirit brings something to my heart in any of these aspects I write it down.  This has totally revolutionized and revived my daily quiet time with the Lord because it provides a practical lens through which to seek God's face.  Isn't that what the Word is for--to be applied to the day to day things? "Whatever you do; do ALL to the glory of God..."

     I have been studying Numbers 25.  The context is so real. Some of the sons of Israel, leaders, went for the wrong type of women and started totally and brazenly disobeying God. People were distraught, but there was one man who "saw and rose up from among the midst..." Check it out:

"When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest SAW it, he AROSE from the midst of the congregation..."(Numbers 25:7)

     This man could not stand to see God's Name desecrated or brought low.  He dug deep into the courage God gave him so he saw on purpose and then followed up by standing up from the crowd.  He was courageous enough to see and act! 

A Prayer: "Father I am continually amazed by Your work.  Oh, never let my heart tire of seeing Your hand in the daily miracles that constantly surround me.  Even as I look out on Your beautiful creation I am reminded that I am in Your lab of learning! May I behold Your truth. Uncover my eyes so that I will see You clearer. Father, You said to cast all my care on You. I know You delight in my prayers to You. May you match me with a man who has cultivated the courage to "see and arise" from the midst of the negative aspects of our prevailing society.  May you match me with a man who is courageous enough to love You hard enough to get rid of the things that desecrate Your Name. May I cultivate the same. May the light of hope in You grow brighter. May I never swerve from Your commandments and Your wisdom."


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