Believe God Even In This?

     Most of us know what it is like.  We live the experience of believing ("aman" is one way to say this in the Hebrew; it means to become firm) in God with some areas of our life; but not all of them.  Why are we like this? How can we see God's magnificent and faithful hand in one aspect of our life and then be weighed down with disbelief in another?  Sometimes, it is because we may think God does not care, perhaps we have experienced much pain in that particular area, and the list of reasons why could go on.

But what if our hearts refused to allow the seeds of doubt to take root in our perspective and in our prayers?  What would have to change? How could we begin the process of diluting the poison of disbelieving God in those most challenging areas of our life?

In Deuteronomy 1, Moses begins to recount the Israelites' wilderness journey. It is a new generation he is speaking to about what happened along the way. One of the first things Moses discusses is disbelieving God. The context is when God said it was time to possess the land; but ten out of twelve spies gave a bad report and caused a breakdown in the people's faith. Moses says, "Yet in this matter (case) you did not believe in God..." This was the unfortunate reality.  How many times can we put our own names or situations within the framework of such a spirit-sobering statement?  What is interesting is how Moses tries to neutralize the poison of disbelief. Check it out. He reminds them of God's:
                     Personal Role ("HaShem is YOUR God")
                     Protection ("He goes before you and makes war for you like He did in Egypt")
                     Parenting Role ("He's carried you like a father carries his son")
                     Pointing of the Way ("He goes before you on the way to seek out for you a show you the road you should travel...")
     Perhaps, the process in expanding the situations where our belief in God grows firmer begins with reminding ourselves that we are in RELATIONSHIP with the God of the universe! He desires to hear our prayers. We have got to shut down the notion that He does not care! We must remind ourselves that He has indeed protected us and will continue to do so.  Finally, we must remind ourselves that He is our Father and He will guide us as we continue to walk in obedience to Him. No matter the loads we carry, His covenant love is able to lift us above the wounds. May our eyes be attentive to seeing Him as He is and allowing His truth to reshape our realities.


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