A Single Woman + Proverbs 31

     Currently, I am on a journey of shifting priorities so that my lifestyle can be more catered to and for my family.  Yes, as a single woman I am shifting my priorities and practices to prepare for my future family.  Talk about some faith...I am not even dating anyone so the prospect of family is a hazy dream at best and definitely a journey of trusting that God can and will provide.
     So, why would I try to discipline myself in matters of time, finances, fitness, health, spending time with God, and career when God's timeline for when my family begins is a complete mystery to me?  One answer...Proverbs 31:12.
     This verse reminds me of my "why."  It reminds me of why I work hard, by His grace, to discipline myself in matters that will assuredly impact my family in ways that right now I cannot even imagine.  This verse reminds me of the type of woman I am pursuing to be and in so doing I am becoming it.  Check it out--"An accomplished woman who can find? Her value is beyond pearls. Her husband's heart relies on her...(and here it is) She bestows good upon him, never evil, all the days of her life"  (Prov. 31:10-12).  The quintessential woman does her man good all the days of her life.  Her unparalleled value as a woman does not commence once she has met or married him; her value is the sum total of everything she has been doing to magnify her Lord as His workmanship even in her singleness.  So, why would I make decisions as a single woman with a lens for my husband and children?--because I am the woman who does him good all the days of my life...including the single ones.


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