And God Said, "That Man Is Not For You"

     You know that pull in your gut and the lump that grows in your throat when you finally realize that a particular man is not for you?  Especially one of those ones that you prayed really hard for and he just seems to be so right.  I mean the way you met was unforgettable and surely all those "signs" you thought you saw were his way of pursuing you...this must be God's man for you right???
     I can remember recently asking the Lord to show me whether a particular man was for me or not.  The funny thing is that I already had what I thought should be God's answer to my question. Which of course was "YES!"  So I allowed my emotions to cultivate and move forward in hopes of a relationship that the Lord had not created for me.  Finally, when I realized God's answer to my prayer was a resounding and loving "No" my heart had to catch up with that truth...and it hurt.
     How do I move past the frustration, disappointment and dodge the enemy's attacks that aim at the heart of who I am?--Press into my Heavenly Father and trust Him.
     I am writing this in a season where the Lord has lovingly (although I have to work hard to remember this) shut the door on a relationship because this particular man was not for me.  Certainly there were some tears...some angry ones at that.  But, the Holy Spirit's re-assuring presence was louder and stronger than the hurt.  His loving arms held me tighter than the feeling of disappointment.  The Lord specifically used the narrative of Joseph to bring me back to the re-assuring truth of Who He is and that I serve a God who is with me and FOR me!
     In Genesis 39, the text says that "God was with Joseph" 4 times.  The setting was tense, Joseph I am sure felt a level of disappointment in his current circumstances; but the writer chooses to inform the reader continuously that "God was with Joseph."  This is the reality that calmed my heart and reassured my soul, "Brandy, God is with you. No, this relationship did not work out as you hoped, but He is with you. You can trust Your Father to guard your heart and guide your steps to the man that He has lovingly and carefully selected for you. God will NEVER fail you."  And so I said, "Lord, I trust You. Now, may I press into You even harder than before."  Honestly, I believe that's where He wanted me in the first place...a space of trust and uninhibited pursuit of His face.  So, what do I do now that I know that man was not for me?--Press into my Father, know that He is with me, and trust Him.


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