Know Who You Are; Then Keep Working At Becoming It

     It feels like I often hear people say, "Well I know who I am" in response to times of critique or anxiousness.  This statement is helpful; but if devoid of the practice of becoming who one is...or I should say "who one is intended to be"; then such a knowledge is ineffective for the individual mission we all are commissioned to carry out.
     From everything I see and read in the Word, we are created to know who God has intended us to be and then work at becoming it everyday.  Let's not leave knowledge of our identity at the theoretical level; nor allow our identity to be birthed out of the anxiousness that exists in our world which so yearns to determine who we will be.  Instead, let's take that God-given knowledge and discovery to our feet and work at it.  Why?--because "who we are" will be put to the test by things/people that push our buttons, situations that question the very core of who we thought we were, and the ever-present doubt that sits right around the corner seeking to disrupt our confidence.  So "knowing who we are" should be a continual practice of "recognizing and working at becoming who God created us to be".  So know who you are; now go and keep working at becoming it.


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