Searching For Your Purpose?-Find God 1st

     Mission. Purpose. Know your calling. To me, those words and phrases mean something. The fact is, every single one of us want to know why we are here. For, what purpose are we where we are? Then, let's go a step further. I submit that for us to know why we are here (our calling/purpose/mission); we must also be in tune with who we are (our identity). It is the "who" and the "for what" that so often eludes individuals, families, organizations; you name it. So often when we and others are confronted with this question of purpose we say or think things like, "to make the world a better place" or "to leave this earth better than I found it." Those are helpful sayings, but lack the specificity and the uniqueness each of us long to actualize.
     As I was thinking about this age-old enigma, I also "happened" to be studying through the book of Judges. One of my all-time favs is the work God did on Gideon. Gideon is such the picture of fear, fumbling, fortitude, and faith. God empowered Gideon to discover his "who" and "for what". What is even more amazing is that God empowered this man to unlock his identity and his role through a method that did not center on the individual; but instead centered on finding the reality of the presence of God.
      To me, this was earth-shattering. God did not send Gideon through a series of events to "find himself." God turned Gideon's attention to something he should have always and acutely recognized--His presence.
     The angel of the Lord came & sat under a tree, then appeared, and then spoke to Gideon saying, "The LORD is with you..." (Judges 6:11ff). God did not give Gideon his identity or his mission until he FIRST established this one life-changing fact, "The LORD is with you..."
      When God speaks to Gideon, He does not tell him "God loves you" or "I have a great plan for your life." God tells him the most precious and yet elusive fact for mankind to grasp, "The LORD is with you..."
     As the spirit and the reality of our times often clouds our purpose; may the enlightening ray of this reality that "The LORD is with you..." be the penetrating and transforming truth we need to clarify our path and bring purpose to our walk.


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